Thank GOD, our heavenly Father, the Creator of the universe, the Savior of mankind, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, for all the guidance and grace He has given us. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help given by American Bible Society and San Francisco Theological Seminary Library in San Anselmo and the Flora Lamson Hewlett Library, Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. In the process of searching for the truths, and presenting them in an appropriate way, the contents of this website will be revised if necessary. Please click "Refresh" or "Reload" to get the most updated version. We welcome any suggestions or comments, thank you. HalleluJah! Praise the LORD! 
Authorized Bible (1611) Click here to see 'Iesvs Christ' in the English Authorized Bible 1628 (letter V & U were interchangeable at that time) 
The Holy Name "IESU" (pronounced [yesu] or [i-e-s-u] i as in bin, e as in set, u as oo in root) is the holy name above every name. This name has been used in the Bible for more than 1900 years. "Iesou" (pronounced [yesu] or [i-e-s-u]) was used in the original Greek New Testament. The Authorized Bible has the name "Iesus" from 1611 to 1628; year 1629 version has "JESUS" (letter I changed to J. "There was uncertainty about the upper-case distinction 'of letter I and J' even as late as the early 19th century." From The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language, by David Crystal, Cambridge University Press, 1995, p.260.) YHWH (or YHVH) is the name GOD unveiled in the Old Testament, which means "I AM WHO I AM" or "I will be what I will be." The One True GOD was manifested in the flesh with His holy name given to the Messiah. "Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name - the name you gave me - so that they may be one as we are one." (John 17:11b) His holy name was made known to the people (John 17:26a). When we speak of GOD we say, "The LORD" (We have only one true GOD, He is our LORD, the Creator of the universe.) When GOD came to this world as the Messiah, the holy name YAHSHUA (or YESHUA, YESUA, YEHOSHUA, YAHOOSHUA, etc. No one knows exactly how to correctly pronounce His name. No audio record ever exists) was announced by an angel of the LORD. YAHSHUA means "Yah saves; HE IS Salvation," "for He shall save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21b). The name YAHSHUA was "written" in Greek as Iesou (Iota-Eta-Sigma-Omicron-Upsilon, Iota in Greek capital letter is a I, Eta in Greek capital letter is a H, thus IHSOU(Y) was used, abbr. IHS; Sigma looks similar to a letter M turning 90 degrees to the left; Upsilon in Greek capital letter is a Y, in English small letter is a u; Iesou pronounced [ee-eh-s-oo], [ee] as in feet, [eh] as [ay] in say, [s] as in house, [oo] as in root - ou is a digraph, according to the Revised Pronunciation decided on by the Classical Association. Although the Greek language has changed as time has passed, and no one can be sure if this is "absolutely right," but [ee-eh-s-oo] or [yesu] is the pronunciation most commonly accepted.) The ending -s as in Iesous was used ONLY in nominative case. And the holy name was written in Latin up to the present day and in English 500 years ago as IESU (1535 Coverdale Bible.) "'I am the Alpha and the Omega,' says the LORD GOD, 'who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.'" (Revelation 1:8) "'Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.''You are not yet fifty years old,' the Jews said to him, 'and you have seen Abraham!''I tell you the truth,' IESU answered, 'before Abraham was born, I AM!'" (John 8:56-58) The Messiah is the LORD GOD. The holy name of the LORD GOD was "written" in Aramaic, Greek and Latin originally. This name does not start with a letter J but I. There was no letter J in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, or even in English 500 years ago! When William Tyndale translated the Old Testament from Hebrew into English in 16th century, he made an incorrect translation "Jehovah" (Yehovah, from combining the consonants of "YHWH" with the vowels of "Adonai" - LORD); but when he translated the New Testament from Greek into English, he used IESU and IESUS to demonstrate the very proper Greek-ness of his terminology (Tyndale's New Testament, translated from Greek by William Tyndale in 1534, in a modern-spelling edition and with introduction by David Daniell, xviii & xxx.) The Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition, Volume VIII, p.222 & p.223 provide the following information: "...Yet in Tindale's New Test., 1525-34, the form IESU was generally used...This was, as a rule, retained by Coverdale 1535, and in the Great Bible 1539, also, in the vocative instances, in the Bishops' Bible 1568; but in representing the Greek oblique cases, this has Iesus. IESU disappeared from the Geneva 1557 (exc. in one place)...In Middle English the name was rarely written in full, being usually represented by the abbreviations ihu, and ihc, ihs, ihus, or ih'u, etc...There have been commonly expanded by modern editors as Ihesu, Ihesus, forms which occur occasionally in Manuscripts and in early 16th c. printed books...1881 New Testament (Revised V.) John xii. 9 They came, not for JESUS' [1611 Iesus] sake only...1641 Sir E. DERING Sp. on Relig. xi.40 He is not afraid to call Christians IESU-worshippers." (Search for "IESU CHRIST" in Keyword (MUST use " ") 
'I' changed to 'J' Latin Vulgate uses Ih's; Latin Erasmus uses Iesus; Greek Erasmus uses Iesous; German Luther 1524 uses Ihesus; English Tyndale 1525 uses Iesus; English Wycliffe 1380 uses ihesus. (The First English New Testament And Luther, by L. Franklin Gruber, D. D., LL. D., Burlington, Iowa, 1928, p.111.) St. Augustine (354-430) uses Latin name IESU. The original English Authorized Version 1611 uses IESU & Iesus, and Authorized Bible 1628 uses Iesus, but uses JESUS in 1629! (In the Flora Lamson Hewlett Library, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley and in the San Francisco Theological Seminary Library, San Anselmo, California, people can examine these original Bibles.) In the modern development of the Roman alphabet, the ninth letter has been split into two, I and J. "Introduced around 1600, upper-case J was not generally distinguished from I for another 200 years." (The Oxford Companion to the English Language, ed. by Tom McArthur, Oxford University Press, 1992, see Alphabet J.) Most likely, in the beginning of changing IESU & IESUS to JESUS, the letter J in JESUS has the sound of [y], as J in the word HalleluJah. German today also pronounces JESUS as [yesus]. Old French used IESU too. Because the letter I changed to J, the modern English, Spanish, Italian, German, and French, etc., have very different pronunciations of the Holy name. No one can really know how the LORD's name was pronounced at New Testament time. However, the way people "write or print" is the evidence we can examine today. The names Iesou, Iesous, IESU, Iesus, Ihesus, or IHS, Ih's, etc. (All starts with a letter I) existed more than 1900 years! On the other hand, JESUS was the new word created only less than 400 years ago! Which one should we choose? Of course we know that the most important thing is to believe in the Son of GOD, the Savior of mankind, His teachings, His deeds, His love, His blood, His death, His resurrection, His salvation, etc. However, when we already have all the basic beliefs, which name should we choose? IESU or JESUS? Shall we follow the majority? Shall we follow the trend? Shall we say, "Well, it's a mistake made about 400 years ago." or "It is only a result of the evolutional process of the English language." 

[yesu(s)] Pronounced in many Languages The Welsh, Hawaiian, Latin, Samoan, New Hebridian, and many other languages use IESU (some use YESU or Isus) as LORD's name today. Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, Chibemba, Bambara, Bukusu, Indonesian, Luba Kaonde, Malay, Afrikaans, Greek, Korean, Thai, Javanese, Kamba, Kiluba, Kinandi, Tsonga, Changana, Kinyarwanda, Luganda, Lugbara, Luo, Tyap, Tiv, Runyoro, Runyankole/Rukiga, Swahili, Zaire Swahili, German, Standard Arabic, Hindi, Russian, Japanese and many other languages pronounce LORD's name as [yesu] or [yesus]! Some pronounce [yesou], [yeso], [yasu], or [yasou]. It is okay to change Iohn, Ioseph, Iames, and Iob to John, Joseph, James, and Job respectively; but it is not okay to change IESU to JESUS! Because the holy name IESU is not an ordinary name! "Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name - the name you gave me - so that they may be one as we are one." (John 17:11b) By the power of the holy name of the LORD GOD, we need to restore the unity of Christians ("the church's present divisions are the result of the failures of Christians," quoted from The New Study Bible, New International Version, Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1985, p.1630.) To restore the unity of Christians, we need first to reach the unity of the western language spelling and pronunciation of the name of the LORD GOD - IESU. The name "IESU" has been used in the Bible for more than 1900 years; "IESU" & "IESUS" was changed to "JESUS" in 17th century. "IESU" is the holy name of the LORD GOD. Check how many times "the LORD" and "GOD" were used together in the New Testament, especially in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:7,8; 4:8; 4:11; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 18:8; 19:6; 21:22; 22:5; Matthew 4:7; 4:10; 22:37; Mark 12:29; 12:30; Luke 1:6; 1:16; 1:32; 1:47; 1:68; John 20:28; Acts 2:39; 3:22; 4:24; Jude:24,25.) 
'IESU', 'YESU' written in many languages!
1582-1610 The Rheims-Douai Version - The New Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English...
[yesu], [yesus] pronounced in many languages!

A Pure Speech "The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and His name the only name (or: His name one.) " (Zechariah 14:9) "For then will I turn to the peoples 'a' pure language (or: 'a' clear lip, 'a' clear speech, check the Hebrew text, New Revised Standard Version, or King James Version, cf. EZEKIEL 3:5,6; GENESIS 11:7; 'a man of unclean lips' ISAIAH 6:5), that 'all of them' may call on the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one consent." (Zephaniah 3:9) There will be only one pure & clear language to call on the "name" of the LORD GOD. We need an international holy name, and the name IESU is the best choice. Before the LORD confused the languages of the whole world, people called on the "name" of the LORD in only one language (Genesis 4:26; 11:1; 11:4; 11:9.) We are not making a name for ourselves today. We are making the name of the LORD GOD pure and clear and be glorified. There are many famous names in this world, such as Washington, Lincoln, Elizabeth, etc., all have similar pronunciation in different languages. The LORD's name is the only holy name above every name, it is hoped, by using IESU, all tongues in the world will praise the same holy name with a similar pronunciation! The name IESU is a Latin word "written in the Bible" for thousands of years, is an old English word used circa 400 years ago, and is a modern word used in many languages today, its pronunciation [yesu] is similar to YESHUA (or YESUA, Y'SHUA, YEHOSHUA, YEHUSHUA, etc. No one knows exactly how to correctly pronounce the name YHWH) which is claimed by Sacred-Name Groups as a proper name of the LORD. We use many loanwords. We can speak Greek. We can speak Latin. We can speak International language. Use IESU to call on the name of the LORD GOD today! If we take the letters used in YHWH, LORD and IESU, surprisingly, we can produce the following combinations: HE IS WHO HE IS, HE IS LORD, IESU IS LORD, HE IS WORD, HE IS DOOR, HOLY, RULER, HERO, SHIELD, WISE, HE HOLDS ROD, HE HOLDS WORLD, HOUR, HE SEES US, HIS WORD IS SWORD, ORDER, RELY, SOLID, SURE, WELL, SERIOUS, WISH, YES, SEED, SOIL, HEW, RISE, HOUSE, HIDE, EYE, HEIR, ELDER, DWELL, RESIDE, DEW, HILL, HIRE, ROSE, LILY, SOUL, SUE, SORRY, ILL, OLD, SORROW, HORSE, US, EURO, etc., and SELL, LIE, LOSE, DIE, HORROR, SHUDDER, HELL to show GOD's judgment. 
1573 'In Christ IESU',iesu#highlight 
The Holy Name IESU [yesu] In the beginning of this new millennium, let the most widely used LORD's name IESU be resurrected in English language! "It was for the sake of the Name that they went out" (3 John:7a). Let IESU be the Name. IESU represents The LORD GOD saves, the Name of LORD GOD, the Son of GOD, the Savior of mankind, His teachings, His deeds, His love, His blood, His death, His resurrection, His salvation, etc. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD IESU. The language changes from time to time, if we initiate a movement to change JESUS to IESU ('IESU' usIn the beginning of this new millennium, let the most widely used LORD's name IESU be resurrected in the English language! "It was for the sake of the Name that they went out" (3 John:7a). Let IESU be the Name. IESU represents The LORD GOD saves, the Name of LORD GOD, the Son of GOD, the Savior of mankind, His teachings, His deeds, His love, His blood, His death, His resurrection, His salvation, etc. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD IESU. The language changes from time to time, if we initiate a movement to change the name JESUS back to IESU (The name "IESU" is used in vocative, genitive and dative cases, it is widely used, while "IESUS" is used only in nominative case,) after a period of time, people will accept it gradually. By using IESU, the holy name of the LORD should have a much similar pronunciation in the whole world. It is a historical fact that IESU & IESUS were changed to JESUS some 400 years ago! Are we willing to change it back? Can we change it back? The name JESUS has been abused, "used as (or as part of) an oath or as a strong exclamation of surprise, disbelief, dismay, or the like" (The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., volume viii, p.222.) We should start to use the clear and pure name IESU! If we can use "Thee", Thine", "Thou" and "Thy" today, why we cannot use the holy name "IESU?" People use these old words since long time ago! "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." (Act 4:12) Let IESU be that unique name, an international holy name of the LORD. HalleluJah! Praise the LORD IESU CHRIST! |
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